John pops smoke to cover the advance of his Paratroop Cadre towards an Objective.
Under the cover of a pile of scrap, my Weasel FOs the objective while friendly units advance upon it.
On the otherside of the battlefield, John moves elements of his Fire Support Cadre deftly though the scrap piles.
Northern forces have taken the objective, but heavily armed Southern units are on the prowl.
The civilian stand has been taken, and my Jaguar does it's best to take on the fire from its Southern advisaries.
My fourth and final draw had me up against DP9 forumite Hapotte. Hapotte had stepped in for his father Jean who had to leave and fielded a Northern force of: a Light Tank Squad with 2 Bandit Hunter Klemms; a Field Gun Section with two field guns; a Dragoon Squad, and; a Strike Squad. Both of us had the same Objectives: two Wipe Them Out orders to be randomly determined on our units. I knew I had to be aggressive to keep myself in the game. My first Field Gun shot took out one of his Field Guns and knocked a Sturdy Box of a Hunter. He also had his Rabid Grizzly go stationary to attack my quickly advancing White Cat (which took so much fire without a real scratch and should get Gear of the Match honours), a mistake I quickly capitalized on and had my Grizzlies take it out with HGM fire. My Artillery Strikes really paid off as well in this game as I rolled boxcars for my raw roll, and it took out both his Kodiak and a Cheetah. All of that happened in the first turn, quickly swinging the game in my favour. In the end I ran out the victor 4-0 VPs, and only lost a single Gear in the process. Here's a couple of pictures I took of the last round in action.
I quickly begin apply pressure to my left flank, with elements of my GP Squad holding a building, while the rest of their squadmates advance.
On my right flank, my Grizzly takes cover behind a structure to rain mortar fire over the battlefield, while a Hunter stands guard to the left.
My forces on the left flank take fire while advancing.
My White Cat leads the charge on the left flank, while Hapotte focus' his fire upon it.
The bulk of my forces have now all moved forward, with the exception of those units that IF capabilities.
The beginning of the end for Hapotte, as I consilodate my forces and begin mopping up the remainder of his units.
In the end I ended up with 4 tournament points, which were not close enough to eventual tournament champ Izzy's 7, and could not defend my 2010 title. Congratulations to everyone that participated and I must say that playing with everyone here is always one of the highlights of the year. Can't wait to do it all again next spring!