Another shot of my army from the opposite side of the board.
My forces on the right flank advance on Jay's GP Squad. Just out of the picture at the end of the road sits my ORV squad, who went top speed to contest my Breakthrough objective in my first activation of the first turn of the game!
On my left flank, My Recon Squad calls in targets for my Field Gun to rain fire down upon while my other squad of ORVs harrasses elements of Jay's FS Squad.
Elements of my GP Squad hold a choke point between two buildings after dipsatching Jay's Army Commander. Unfazed by this loss, Jay's troops continue to attempt to obtain their Wipe Them Out objective on my GP Squad.
My GP Squad holding down the buildings from the opposite vantage point.
On my left flank, the majority of Jay's forces have been overcome, and I press forward to complete my Breakthrough objective with elements of my Recon Squad.
On the right flank, a single Hunter is all the remains of Jay's forces; my Breakthrough objective will soon be in my grasp.
Jay's Gears are totally overcome, leaving his infantry ti be the only opposition left. They did manage to pling a box of damage on one of my SD Hunters though with basic assault rifles!
So after all was said and done Jay had achieved 2 VP to my 3 VP. Not a bad result at all for Jay considering he was Gearless by the end of the game. Besides that here's a couple of observations I had:
- Flies in the Ointment: I was more than impressed with a section of Infantry in ORVs. None of them managed to finish the game alive, however, their rapid speed (especially on roads) combined with the Anti-Gear rocket launchers they were equipped with meant they a threat Jay could not ignore. Since I had them contest an Objective early in the game, Jay tied his Grizzlies up with fighting them, meaning I did not have to deal with MRP barrages on my Gears instead.
- Everything Old is New: After playing with the new GearUp rules, I don't think I'll go back to the old set. The range bands are awesome, making such basic weapons as Light Autocannons and Anti-Gear Rifles viable once again. The new Maneuver rules means that I actually use Gears in walker modes, and the new overkill rules means Hunters become the steady workhorses they are supposed to be. My favourite part of using the new rules was when I was able to have a Hunter go Stationary and use it's ROF on it's LAC to walk fire between two enemy Hunters, dropping one to Heavy Damage and Overkilling another, all from 12" away!